My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Underground fighter Remington Tate is a mystery, even to himself. His mind is dark and light, complex and enlightening. At times his actions and moods are carefully measured, and at others, they spin out of control.
Through it all, there's been one constant: wanting, needing, loving, and protecting Brooke Dumas. This is his story; from the first moment he laid eyes on her and knew, without a doubt, she would be the realest thing he's ever had to fight for.
My Review:
I want my very own Remy **sigh**

I just cannot get enough of Remy and Brooke and this was by far my favorite one..
Out of all the alternate POV's I've read it's usually hit or miss with me But this one definitely delivered.

It was amazing to get into his head he is just Total Fucking Alpha...
Once Remy laid eyes on Brooke he new she was his Real
It was so tough to hear his thoughts and see how he would struggle with what to say and how to show Brooke how much he wanted her.
It was a constant struggle internally and as I read I could feel how much he wanted to be everything for her.. his every thought & breath was of her! It was Primal, Raw Possession!

I cannot get enough of these two and can't wait to see glimpses of them in the other stories.
View all my reviews

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