I met him at a carnival, of all corny places. The summer I turned eighteen, in that chaos of neon lights and cheap thrills, I met a man so sweet, so beautiful, he seemed to come from another world. We had one night: intense, scary, real. Then I ran, like I always do. Because I didn’t want to be abandoned again.
But I couldn’t run far enough.
I knew him as Evan that night. When I walked into his classroom, he became Mr. Wilke.
My teacher.
I don’t know if what we’re doing is wrong. The rules say one thing; my heart says screw the rules. I can’t let him lose his job. And I can’t lose him.
In the movies, this would have a happy ending. I grow up. I love, I lose, I learn. And I move on. But this is life, and there’s no script. You make it up as you go along.
And you don’t pray for a happy ending. You pray for it to never end.

Awesome writing that grasped me and didnt let go till the very last word..
Just the concept of the book was so taboo... but I did nothing but cheer this crazy relationship on even knowing the out come might not be good... The Blurb stated it all and set the vibe...

My Maise:

My Evan:

Not often I want to skip to the end to see what happens, but I wanted to soooo bad with this story.
So happy I didn't and just let the story play before me just like a movie.
View all my reviews

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