“Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life.” ― Oscar Wilde
Author Nicola Royse dreamed of Scottish Highlanders as a teen then wrote about them as an adult. Always looking but never finding her own White Knight, she still held out hope that he would one day ride up on his trusty steed. He rode up all right, on a silver Harley with heat in his eyes and a detective's badge on his hip while she and her friends plotted her first contemporary romantic suspense. Of course, life couldn't' imitate art without a killer on the loose, one that had Nicola and her friends in his sights.
Detective Dallas Vaughn dedicated his life to catching killers. Then one day he bumped into the girl-next-door, and all that changed. Now he's her White Knight fighting against a Dark Prince—one who would love to see her dead.
WARNING: Author believes in soul mates and insta-love, proceed with caution if you're not a romantic at heart.
ANOTHER Fantastic read by C.P. Smith
She gave it all to us....
Drama filled
Humor galore
Total Alpha extraordinaire
and an amazing HEA!!!!
This is one of my auto buy authors.. Her males are True Alphas and her females are Kickass Heroines! Hell what more can you ask for?
What a fun steamy read..with so many Laugh Out Loud moments I couldn't keep count and the suspense had me on the edge of my seat.
We have author Nicola Royse that speaks with an old world lilt due to all the highland romance novels she's written at times and we have Dallas Mother F~ing Vaughn a jaded detective that oozes badass yumminess at first glance..
"By eight o'clock I was foxed(that's regency speak)" ~ Nicola
The story-line got me from the first sentence and I couldn't put it down until the very last word!!! It was so engaging & hot it was impossible to do so.
"I'm not a hermit, Bo, and my idea of fun is not hanging around strip clubs while you attempt to make it "rain" when you can only afford to make it "drizzle". ~ Nicole to her twin brother Bo
Nicola and her brothers along with her BFF's and her IMAGINATION were the high-lite of the story every character had their role and they all executed it flawlessly whether dead as a door nail or a suspect!
"Who among us wants to be the one who gets up when there is a bump in the night? Equal pay and equal rights is one thing, but when it comes to choosing someone who will protect you and your children, do you want Peewee Herman or Conan the Barbarian? ~ Nicola
Please Keep them coming I'm a total FAN!!!
P.S. Dallas in a Kilt would have been EPIC!!! hahahaha

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