All sins are equal in the eyes of God, but I'm not God. One sinner made me his sin, and I can't let men like him live. I want to kill them. Every. Last. One.
Ezra James is no different. I was going to kill him, but then I found myself obsessed and possessed in the most reverent of ways. I became his sinner, and he became my sin, but the wages of sin is death, so I must kill him.
The son of a whore, raised by criminals, molded to fit into a world without morals. I've never given a shit about anything until the night I watched a man drop dead at the feet of my little killer. She called to my depravity, and everything in me demanded that I take her, possess her, own her. Some monsters hide behind the faces of angels.
Damned. Broken. Irredeemable.
Through blood, absolution shall be found.
All sins are equal in the eyes of God, but I'm not God. One sinner made me his sin, and I can't let men like him live. I want to kill them. Every. Last. One.
Ezra James is no different. I was going to kill him, but then I found myself obsessed and possessed in the most reverent of ways. I became his sinner, and he became my sin, but the wages of sin is death, so I must kill him.
The son of a whore, raised by criminals, molded to fit into a world without morals. I've never given a shit about anything until the night I watched a man drop dead at the feet of my little killer. She called to my depravity, and everything in me demanded that I take her, possess her, own her. Some monsters hide behind the faces of angels.
Damned. Broken. Irredeemable.
Through blood, absolution shall be found.
Erotically Twisted & Sinful!!
Dark Romance Lovers Cannot Miss this...
This was a Perfect Dark read.. I can't think of one single thing I didn't LOVE about it!!
It was sick as fuck, suspenseful and Hot as HELL!!!
Evie was a vessel..
tasked with a mission ~ a mission she had to see through by all means necessary ~
a mission she was reminded of by the voice in her head!
She was damaged, irredeemable, a whore, broken... or was she?
Beauty was evil and a Sinner wasn't as bad as being Sin it self!!
Pain was ABSOLUTION.....
Ezra!!! so many ways to describe this man but to Evie he was a Dark Angel on Earth!!
Damaged in his own way, craving absolute control, he needed to OWN Evie not just have her submission
he had to have her Body & Soul.
He was evil, he was sin, he was a sinner, he was punisher, he was judge and jury.
He was ABSOLUTION.....
Holy Crap this was an AMAZING read!!
I couldn't put it down.. From the Epilogue all the way to the very last sentence I was hooked.. Obviously these sort of reads you can't go into the plot or it'll ruin the story so it's just a case of take my word for it..
Ezra & Evie were explosive together,,
Both possessive and jealous, Both Fucked Up, Both just PERFECT for each other..
and for those readers that need a HEA well you sort of, kind of get one!!
These two ladies are just on Fire with this Duo thingy going on!!
Can't wait for Ronan!!

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