With two traitors removed from their midst, Branford and Alexandra rekindle their
faith in one another. Branford insists on remaining at Alexandra’s side at all times to
protect her as he rallies his allies against King Edgar and the kingdom of Hadebrand.
Alexandra’s grace and humility continue to touch the hearts of the people of Silverhelm,
and the couple is surrounded by the love of their people. But treachery still lives in the
hearts of those who wish to see the destruction of Silverhelm and they would be willing
to cause Alexandra harm to achieve their goal. King Edgar still will not relent, but will his role
in past events be exposed? Branford is not invincible, and despite his vows to
keep his wife safe, Alexandra is still vulnerable. When the unthinkable happens,
Branford may not be able to survive the loss
Branford may not be able to survive the loss
So yes I immediately began reading this installment as soon as it hit my kindle.
And I have to say no one was more distraught over what happened than Branford..
He truly Loves Alexandra and when Brandford does something or commits he doesn't jump in half cocked!
I am on the edge of my seat over how this one ended.
There will be heads rolling for sure and I for one can't wait to see Branford finally unleash his wrath
I'm just so anxious to finally see these two get their Happily Ever After!!
Final installment is right around the corner..
I want it to be memorable **sigh**

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