I won a copy on Goodreads Firstreads...
But since I'm OCD with series I went ahead and read the first 2 before even attempting to
read this one..and good thing I did :)
The characters intermingle briefly but nicely.
I have to say I really like this series. It was the first I have read by this Author Duo and I will definetly read more by them..(Kate Daniels oohhh yea)
The characters are all blended great between the different books and you get to cheer for them all over again. Kaldar and Audrey were funny and witty through out the book and each
had their fears to work through but when it came time to work together for a common goal they were great together. you got to see Kalder the matchmaker finally meet his match...
It was good to see George help Jack overcome his insecurities through brotherly love and humorous banter..and Gaston mature to a dependable alley...
The villians are true villians you just want destroyed and are on the edge of your seat until they are
Cant wait to see more of this world!!!!
View all my reviews

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