My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tall and thin, twenty-eight-year-old Bronwyn Palmer has become positively gaunt, a ghost of her former self. That self was—and still is—the wife of a rich, handsome executive with an ocean-view house and his own security staff.
It was in that house, two years ago, that Bryce Palmer learned Bronwyn was pregnant with their first child. But Bryce’s rage over his impending fatherhood touched off a chain reaction of emotional and physical traumas that wounded them both. For Bronwyn, it meant fleeing the perfect marriage to start over with nothing but a precocious daughter named Kayla to care for. For Bryce, it meant a tortuous two years spent blaming his wife for deserting him, and living with the pain of not knowing his child. Now a chance encounter has brought Bronwyn back into Bryce’s life, both bearing scars...and neither knowing the whole truth of that fateful night that drove them apart.
My Review:
What a great Angsty read.. I'm one happy camper
Anyone who read The Unwanted Wife and LOVED this one is a MUST!!!

Bryce & Bronwyn's story was perfect Ms. Anders once again delivered everything I crave in Angst reads.....

Bryce was just full of regret and self loathing and his only outlet was to push away anything that threatened to crumble his walls

Bronwyn was just beautiful inside and out and gave her all in every way.. a series of unfortunate events dealt her an almost devastating blow

I loved the dual POV's and saw how much both were hurting, I wanted to slap some sense into Bryce a few times and cry with Bronwyn when hope and reconciliation were no where in sight... I also couldn't seem to wipe the smile off my face when reading about their chatty 18 month old Kayla

I enjoyed every minute of this one and hopefully don't have to wait so long for the next!!

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