My rating: 5 of 5 stars
There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who look first, and the ones who leap. I’ve always been more of a looker. Cautious. A planner. That changed after I met Drew Evans. He was so persistent. So sure of himself – and of me.
But not all love stories end happily ever after. Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset? Join the club. Now I have to make a choice, the most important of my life. Drew already made his –in fact, he tried to decide for the both of us. But you know that’s just not my style. So I came back to Greenville. Alone. Well, sort of alone....
What I've come to realize is that old habits die hard and sometimes you have to go back to where you began, before you can move ahead.
TWISTED picks up two years after Tangled’s end, and is told from Kate’s POV.
My Review:
These 2 are just so lovable and hilarious!!!

I first have to mention how Refreshing Emma Chases’ writing is.. It’s fun, witty and a total attention HOG!!
I could not put Twisted down... We start off by getting Kate’s POV set a few weeks after “The Incident” and what a doozy it was. Drew is just such a big (HOT) spoiled Brat.. BUT I LOVE HIM.. He’s such an arrogant little snot you can’t help but read about him with a huge smirk on your face it’s just who he IS, with that being said you can’t not adore Kate for accepting him just as he IS.. I always complain about couples not communicating but in this case it was as if they did but didn’t… Drew jumps to conclusions handles it POORLY and then when it was brought up a few times a bunch of facts were left out that would’ve had the Reponses to the questions meaning something totally different.. SEE WHAT I MEAN?
I laughed out loud A LOT and at the same time wanted to Throttle Drew for his childish ways of handling things.. With every Oh Shit moment I wanted to sob to I couldn’t because right after we get an Oh crap can’t believe he, she, they just did or said that…
I wish we could get a Drew & Kate sitcom along with the rest of the Gang cause that is one show I would definitely TIVO for sure..
On that note I Loved, Loved, Loved and for anyone that’s read Tangled...Twisted is a must!!

Here are a few of my fave gut busting moments:
Drew pulls the front of his pants away from his waist and looks down. “Nope—still got a dick. Which explains a lot, because your reasoning would only make sense to a woman.”
“Don’t be jealous, Sham—just because you’re too puffed up to enjoy this fine delicacy.” Uh-oh. Did you catch his slipup? Alexandra sure did. “What did you call me?” “What?” “Sham. You called me Sham. What the hell does Sham mean, Matthew?
” Shamu? Oh, that’s Alexandra—new temporary nickname. Matthew and I came up with it a few weeks back when she made the unfortunate choice of wearing a one-piece black-and-white maternity bathing suit to the beach.
“Then I’ll become a chubby chaser. A little extra cushion for the pushin’ isn’t a bad thing.”
This one liner was actually from Holy Frigging Matrimony (a short story) – I just couldn’t resist.. it was just sooo Drew =0)
“Have I told you how cock-stiffeningly gorgeous you look tonight?”
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