Max & Belle's story
This isn't the man I married.
The man I married was strong, beautiful and pure.
The man I married cherished our lives together.
The man I married loved me.
This...This isn't that man.
One night. One accident. It changes everything.
I wish I could tell you the exact moment he fell out of love with me. I wish I could tell you there was hope. That I hung on. That I fought. I wish I could tell you that we fixed it. That happily every after was just out of our grips.
It wasn't. I ran, in the dead of the night, I packed my things and I left him.
Now I'm back. He's still the same man. A deadly underground fighter for the House of Obsidian. He's still dangerous. He's still broken. I still love him.
This is the part where I'm supposed to turn around and run... But I don't.
This was an awesome spin-off addition for anyone that has read and loved
The Joker's Wrath MC series (Like I did) but can also be read as a stand alone which is a plus.
Max caught my attn right from the start when I first met him as well as Belle
when Pippa befriended her..
We got their story from the beginning with alternate POV's and flashbacks to
their past.. Max fell hard for the shy eccentric new girl and together they were
able to overcome all the college drama and obstacles. Max was Belle's rock
but somewhere, somehow in this perfect relationship something happened
Max changed & Blue Belle ran both with secrets!
This was an angsty read ~ Yay for me!!! where we get to see where both went
wrong and watch them finally COMMUNICATE let down those walls and get the happily ever after
they both deserved the second time around..
It was Hot and Max did not disappoint with his dirty talk and his alpha yummy-ness.
So ready for Rainer and Raide's story!

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